How To Manage Your Time

Time management, one of the many skills that is useful to carry with you throughout your whole entire life. You can use this skill in a variety of places and situations. Whether it's a new job, an internship, school, or even a sports team, taking this skill with you will always make things efficient and will always give you a good reputation. Time management can be a challenge especially for students when you are juggling school work, sports, friends, and family. However, with a few tips and strategies you can make life a lot easier for yourself.

       If you know that you are the type of person that tends to run late, always make sure to leave your house a few minutes early or get ready at least an hour before your event so you are not rushing around at the last minute and risking being late. Another helpful tip is to keep a planner and write down each thing you have to do that day and check them off as you do them. Set aside five minutes at the beginning of the day to write these all down and you will be good to go. This is helpful because as you are getting things done you are also planning when you will do each thing and how long. Although it is easy to wait until the last minute to do things, find a free time where instead of watching Netflix, you can get work done so that you continue with other things and not have a weight on your shoulders. This is an efficient way to do things and will save you from rushing so your work can be completed to the beat of your abilities. One tip that can change things for lots of young students, is to limit yourself from distractions. Don’t do work in a room with things that will get you off topic or else your work will accumulate. “I always keep my phone in another room when i do my school work because it is a tempting distraction and i can't let my work pile up because i am very busy after school.” Says Amanda Service a Sophomore at Harborfields High school. Turn off the tv, and hide your phone somewhere until you are completely finished because if you hear it ring or see a notification go off it can be tempting to check it and once you are on it you can find yourself still on it two hours later with a ton of work and sports practice to go to.

By using these tips, you should be on your way to the perfect time management.

Vincent Ambrosio