Tornado News Team Livestreams

Watch Upcoming Live Streams Here!

Miss a Livestream? Watch it Here!

Watch Harborfields High School’s Annual Winter Concerts, produced by The Tornado News Team!


These streams and this whole website are created by students in the Harborfields HS HFPress Media Classes and Clubs.

If you’re interested in exploring our program, click the “HFPress” dropdown above!

We offer college credit through all of our media classes!

Here’s a little year-in-review aired at our last BOE meeting!

Miss a Tornado News Live-Stream?

Watch 2022-23 Streams Here:

HHS and Oldfield Moving Up Ceremonies - Class of 2022

Black History Month Celebration

Harborfields Central School District celebrates Black History Month with its annual celebration streamed HERE live by the Tornado News Team. This year’s event features key note speaker, Hakeem Rahim, Ed. M, M.A., a recognized mental health consultant.

HS Winter Concert

Maggie’s Mission Concert for a Cure

On Thursday, June 10th, The Tornado News Team ran it’s longest livestream ever - the 4+ hour Maggie’s Mission Concert for a Cure! In coordination with HFHS Student Government, Stand Up Club, and Leadership class, The Tornado News team streamed a combination of live and pre-recorded performances, in addition to raffles, games, and ‘normal’ HF fun in the high school ‘back yard.’ If you missed it, watch the videos below!

To watch more past streams, hit the button below: