Harborfields Central School District

Board of Education Livestream Page

Watch all of of the LIVE Regular Board of Education Meetings HERE, as well as the archived streams and Superintendent’s Spotlight segments, all brought to you by students in the Multimedia Production Academy Classes and the HFPress: Tornado News Team Club members.

The March Superintendent’s Spotlight Features the Arrival and Integration of AI in Harborfields CSD.


HFTNT BOE Vimeo “Showcase” 2024-25


Watch all of the Archived BOE Meeting Recordings and Superintendent’s Spotlight Segments by clicking the dropdown on this ‘Vimeo showcase’ player.

Finn Murray and Max Vaughan team up each month with a MultiMedia Academy and HFPress Club production crew to livestream the BOE meetings; then, Finn or a member of the Tornado News Team, edits the recording to improve quality and add graphics. We also edit the Superintendent’s Spotlight videos as stand-alone packages which are posted to this showcase as well.



Public Participation

According to New York State law, public participation at Board of Education meetings is a privilege provided to the public. The Harborfields Board of Education values public participation at its meetings. Discussions and/or comments relating specifically to staff, students’ privacy or personnel are strictly prohibited. Any community member who wishes to address the Board during public participation shall do so in a respectful manner. The Board President reserves the right to determine if the actions and/or comments of the individual are appropriate and in accordance with district policy and advise accordingly.

Click here to access ALL BOE Recordings from the 2023-2024 School Year.

Click here to access ALL BOE Recordings from the 2022-2023 School Year.