Harborfields High School’s

Career Readiness Network

Unlocking Potential 

Empowering all students to unlock their passions, explore ‘pathways’ to graduation, and develop career-readiness skills that prepare them for future endeavors. 

Click the image to visit our store to buy merch featuring our new logos, designed by HF artist, Isabella DiPaola.

Harborfields High School now offers three NYS CTE Pathway Programs: Business and Entrepreneurship, Education and Child Development, and the Multimedia Production Academy.

Find out more about these great programs on the high school website.

If you’d like more information, contact Dr. Alison Matthews, the HFHS CTE Pathway Founder and Coordinator.

The Second Annual Career Expo at Harborfields High School was a HUGE Success!

“Unlocking Potential”

Business and Entrepreneurship

Education and Child Development

Multimedia Production Academy

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