CoronaVirus takes on Education
How has Covid affected you as a student? Do you feel as though you have learned better or worse during Covid-19? Do you feel like you have even learned anything during this pandemic with the hybrid or all online learning? These are all questions we can ask ourselves when we're examining the effect of Covid on all students' education.
Coronavirus definitely threw a big plot twist in the way we all were used to socializing, learning, engaging with friends and teachers and people in general. So what I'm wondering is how much did that affect us with our learning. For me personally I have felt as though I am just trying to go with the flow and adapt to the way the world is now, and the way school is all online.
A question that I have that I think a lot of other students have as well is, how do our teachers ensure the learning part happens in distance learning? I wonder about this all the time, because you think about how it's possible to learn the same. It's very different, and confusing to many especially for me.
For me I'm just trying to adjust, but I'd say Corona has definitely impacted my education. For starters having to do everything online and do it all through google meets, and google classroom etc. Students tend to like online learning because of the leniency, lack of rules, and how easy going it can be. It allows you to be more comfortable in school, since you're in the comfort of your own home.
Although some people just prefer to be online, because of the risk it can be going into school, and that’s another way Covid has affected our education. This is because it has made us have to choose the safest option for some cases, which may not always be the easiest way to learn for all students.
Kids also like the fact that they can just be in bed or in their comfortable homes, and not have to physically go to school which I'm sure many kids like as well. They can just turn their cameras off during class, and not have to participate in class or really give a hundred percent effort. Although some do give all effort, it's sometimes hard to, when it's all virtually since you're not physically there. A lot of kids also have a hard time paying attention and focusing in class, but that comes with the exception of being able to stay home without masks and social distancing all day, which I'm sure lots of people prefer instead.
Fiona Granger, senior at Harborfields HS, feels similarly on the topic stating, “I think most students including myself have adjusted to online learning pretty quickly though, one thing I think students have struggled with is paying attention in class virtually.” Being home can be a huge distraction, and an adjustment for everyone. Especially when we have never really done virtual classes/learning in the past. I believe this is why school should be in person, but due to the current situation of the world we're working with what we got.