Coronavirus: Will Colleges and Universities Resume?

In light of the virus there has been talk of universities considering the possibility that in-person classes may not proceed into the fall 2020 semester. There are even prospects of it not resuming until 2021.

CNN states: “Boston University has already cancelled all in-person summer activities.” In addition the school is not permitting in-person classes for the fall semester and classes will be held remotely.

Most schools are waiting for officials to declare it unsafe for the fall semester to occur and postpone in-person classes until January of 2021. 

For instance, colleges such as Oregon State, Harvard and the University of Arizona are all hopeful of returning in the fall. However, they’re not opposed to pushing back the face-to-face college experience if it means keeping students and faculty safe. 

 Eric Feigl-Ding, a epidemiologist and visiting scientist at the Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health thinks, “Colleges are doing right by planning for the unexpected.” 

Researchers from Chan state that there are possibilities in which classes may have to endure “open and close waves until 2022 unless vaccine become available”

Although, many students are hopeful to return to school in fall of 2020. Staying safe and letting this pandemic play out should be everyone’s first and foremost concern.  

Vanessa Hohner