Alexa vs. Google Home

Remember that Disney Channel movie, Smart House? Today in 2017, we are making progress in the field of technology by making our homes "smarter," which makes our lives easier. This can be done with the popular use of Amazon’s Echo, also known as “Alexa,” or “Google Home.”

According to a conducted survey, HF students prefer “Alexa” over “Google Home” by over 50%! A sophomore at HF chooses Google over Amazon, complaining that “Alexa is too sensitive to voice commands, when I’m not even asking for help” - But how do you know which one is truly the right fit for you?

While both are great for unique voice commands, there are definitely pros and cons to each one. The Google Home is good for synchronizing music, while Alexa is good for playing music on demand, as long the music is provided on Amazon. You can connect bluetooth to your phone with both, but the size of the product truly makes a huge impact on speaker quality.

For example, the Echo Dot is said to have poor speaker quality, but the the largest size has incredibly superb quality. The Google Home has the advantage of Google’s search and voice-control expertise (and the ability to tie in to multiple Google accounts), but overall Alexa has more skills.

Which one are you going to purchase?