Work vs. Leisure

Is leisure really just a waste of time or is that simply what the government wants you to believe? For years, leisure time has slowly but surely lost its importance within the mind of society.

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Liam Asaro
The Loss Of Happiness In The American Dream

Do you ever think about what it means to be truly happy? With the hustle and bustle of current day America, today’s world can often be very overwhelming and stressful. Many people easily lose sight of their goals and what is truly important in life. The majority of American people are under the impression that happiness comes from something other than themselves. Are they correct? Or could it be that true happiness comes from within?

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Alec Reese
A New Form of Tyranny 

In his novel about a possible future of the western world, George Orwell warns of a totalitarian government that controls every aspect of a society— from the economy to people’s personal lives. Looking back, his prediction seems obviously very wrong. Yet if we take a closer look, it becomes obvious that the masses are still under the control of a select few in society, albeit in a different form than Orwell predicted. In our fear from totalitarian governments, we have developed and maintained a free market. Many businesses, however, exploit this free market to take advantage of consumers and employees, causing a different type of tyrannical rule.

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Cameron Best