Editorial: Tony Bobulinski - The Biden Spoiler

The New York Post first reported on a suspected scandal involving Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. The report included numerous documents including texts, emails, and legal documents that all seemed legitimate. The documents included telling information about business deals organized by the Biden family in foreign countries in 2015 and 2016, the same time period in which Joe Biden was vice president of the United States.

Major media, as true to itself, likely wasn't interested in sharing this story because it may have spoiled the narrative that they have pushed on their viewers the entire year. Neither did any “journalists” ever push Joe Biden himself to explain. That’s because many journalists are far leftists that wouldn’t dare to speak out against the tech monopolies. Once this story came out, he spent a week at his home. An almost unimaginable act for a presidential candidate to do just weeks before an election.

About a week went by and few media organizations chose to even mention this topic. Far left media, including CNN reported that this is yet another Russian disinformation campaign drawn up by President Trump and other “Russian agents” that will further interfere with this year’s election. They placed blame on everyone except for where it was most logical to place blame. The media of the left mentioned former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani along with President Trump and the New York Post in partaking in this “Russian smear campaign”.

This gradually became the accepted account of the story due to the lack of facts being presented to the American public. If you never see it, you’ll never know it. This was until just hours before the second and final presidential debate on October 22, when a man, Tony Bobulinski, a former Naval Nuclear Power Training Command’s Chief Technology Officer, and a prominent global businessman with ties to many foreign countries came forward and held a press conference. He was the business associate of Hunter Biden, and detailed his business dealings in China with Hunter Biden. With him, he had three cell phones containing additional texts and emails about these foreign deals. He said he would turn over all evidence in his possession to the FBI to aid in their investigation.

Fox News was the only major American media organization to cover his press conference, and just hours later in the debate, Joe Biden openly denied having knowledge of his son’s deals in China and other foreign lands. Tony Bobulinski is the only known person to have inside knowledge of these facts that is willing to speak out, and almost every major media in America is ignoring it. 

Even worse, they are skewing Bobulinski’s name, and that of his family which has a history of over 50 years of service in the armed forces. A simple search on CNN won’t result in a single article mentioning Tony Bobulinski. On cablevision news, left wing CNN personalities have called Bobulinski a “Russian agent,” who is just another crazy person contributing to their “disinformation campaign.” Furthermore, no one in journalism has asked Joe Biden to comment, or try to explain the evidence presented because they don’t want to report the truth. It is in their best interest to report what they want their viewers to believe.

Keep in mind, Tony Bobulinski has been a lifetime Democrat and has endorsed numerous Democratic candidates in countless elections in the past. He is speaking out for his family name, which has now been publicly tarnished, and to inform the American people the truth. Therefore they can then make their own decision based on fact, rather than one opinion.

Tony Bobulinski’s interview on Tucker Carlson Tonight detailed that he twice personally met with Joe Biden to discuss these deals, and how the texts and emails related to that. Joe Biden was clearly referred to as “chairman” in these documents, and they prove that he not only had knowledge of, but profited from these deals. The fact that Joe Biden has been proven to have knowledge, yet still openly and clearly denies it, should show that he may not only be  untrustworthy, but corrupt. This will carry forward should he be elected president.

To further push the narrative of progressive America, senator Adam Schiff alongside the Biden campaign convinced viewers that his interview is further Russian propaganda. These are facts. Everything the left has said have been accusations, without having any evidence to back it up.

This entire situation has shown the true colors of this country. Never before has a collective media monopoly aligned to kill a legitimate news story days before an election while intentionally ignoring and dishonestly distorting documents that prove a credible source’s account as true. 

This is the biggest threat to our democracy. Americans should be offended, not because the media is liberal, but because it is a threat to how this country will operate for the rest of their lives. The media, which is supposed to function as your ally, bringing you news and takes on current events that you otherwise may not have access to. This has now turned the media from your ally, to your enemy. They are making people believe what they want you to believe, so that you obey. They have forced their personal opinions on you, to force you to vote the way they want you to. They are tailoring information to change the views of people. That is the definition of propaganda in its most basic sense. This is all due to the media aligning with the democratic party.  Formerly credible news sources have resolutely ignored and suppressed this story so that you can’t see it. That is the direction that the United States is headed to, think about it.

Ryan Shih