US Space Funding Problem
In the US, space exploration is receiving less funding than before, and they deserve more funding to be able to fully carry out their missions. According to HF student Jackson Morris, space agencies deserve more funding because “They’re pretty cool.” This shows a public interest in space agencies, meaning it's something people want. Space exploration has been key to our society’s development, yet it has received significantly less funding than before.
This graph shows the funding given to NASA throughout the past
It is important to first understand what makes space exploration beneficial. NASA has created many incredible technologies and has showcased them in their published Spinoffs, their publications introducing their technology. Space exploration has led to the development of GPS technology which is extremely impactful to the everyday life of many people, according to the article “Showcasing the Benefits of Nasa Technology Here on Earth” from the ICT Monitor Worldwide. This shows why Space Agencies deserve more funding as they have brought us incredible benefits and can bring even more if given more funding.
Next, it should be explained why they need more funding. Space exploration can be done with robots or humans, and the use of humans is more expensive. Though humans are more expensive for space missions, they are still necessary due to their ability to make judgements and their flexibility, according to the article “WHO SHOULD EXPLORE SPACE? Astronaut explorers can perform science in space that robots cannot.” written by Paul D. Spudis. This shows why the funding given to space agencies is not enough, as they aren’t given enough to carry out human expeditions that would bring more benefits.
Lastly, it is important that the general population is in favor of space agencies like NASA. According to this graph, 65% of Americans believe that NASA is deserving of funding, meaning that they support it. This shows that an increase in funding is what the public wants as the majority is in favor of NASA
In conclusion, space agencies should receive more funding from the government to fund human endeavors because of the technological benefits that will come from it and the fact that the general public is in support of this.