HF Tornado News


Yearbooks ON SALE NOW!


Yearbooks ON SALE NOW! 〰️

HTCo Presents Mean Girls!

Women’s Empowerment Club Celebrates Women’s History Month!


South African Artist Thembi Dunjana Visits HF!

This is just a taste… more great content to come!


Spring Sports Media Day: Monday, 3/24!

We’re doing it again! Mrs. Rottkamp’s Advanced Photography class is teaming up with Mr. Ambrosio’s Mass Media class to capture pro pics and videos for the athletes to keep and for us to use in promotional and news package videos featuring our spring sports athletes!

Visit Our New Media Day Homepage!


Miss an Episode of the HF Morning Show?!

Watch all episodes of the HF Morning Show, Harborfields High School’s daily live show, produced by the students of the Broadcasting class.

Visit our Morning Show homepage to view recurring segments like the HF Minute and Ricci on the Street as well! More content to come 2nd semester!

Catch Up on One of Our Show Mini Series Produced by Advanced and Pro Students in Our Multimedia Production Academy!

Click logo to visit our PATHWAYS webpage!

Join the Harborfields Career Readiness Network and Establish YOUR “CTE Pathway” to Graduation and College/Career Readiness!

Now 4 CTE Pathways at HF!


HFPress Clubs: School Newspaper (this website), TNT Live-stream Team, or Yearbook Club

Tornado News Team Club Form

Tornado News Team Club Form

New Trailer Dropping?  Rotten Tornadoes.  New Movie to Watch?  Rotten Tornadoes.  Old Movie to Watch?  Rotten Tornadoes.  TV, Netflix, Amazon, Apple?  Rotten Tornadoes.  Page editors Isa Mule, Aaryan Sharma, and Izzy Pollaro are building your portal…

New Trailer Dropping? Rotten Tornadoes. New Movie to Watch? Rotten Tornadoes. Old Movie to Watch? Rotten Tornadoes. TV, Netflix, Amazon, Apple? Rotten Tornadoes. Page editors Isa Mule, Aaryan Sharma, and Izzy Pollaro are building your portal to the entertainment world! Go to Rotten Tornadoes NOW!

Mean Girls: Fresh, Mid, or Rotten? VOTE HERE!

The HF Tornado News SWAG STORE is Here!

HF Tornado News Team gear for your friends and loved ones!


Here’s a Peak Inside the Tornado

(for more, click the link above)

Inside the Tornado Articles

Inside the Tornado Videos



HF Insta-‘Nado-Gram

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