Mask Etiquette
How to wear your mask? If your mask isn’t covering your nose, you’re wearing your mask wrong. It might be more comfortable, but the point of wearing a mask is to prevent you from getting Covid or spreading Covid so, leaving your nose uncovered is defeating the purpose of wearing a mask.
What is the correct way of wearing your mask? The proper way is by making sure the mask is covering your nose and mouth. Many people think that by covering just their mouth, they’re safe, when in reality they’re not. Making sure your mask is on properly is very important, especially in school.
Even though the amount of students that go to school a day has been split into two, there are still many students and staff coming to the school everyday. Students and staff are required to wear acceptable masks such as a cloth mask or surgical mask. Students and staff should not be wearing a bandana or gater as a mask. If so they will be provided with a surgical mask by the school.
Many students find it annoying having to wear a mask the whole day at school, but many students are understanding. Fiona McLoughlin, a junior this year, says, “Wearing a mask all day isn’t fun but I know it’s important in order to protect myself and others.” Many students have this mind set as well. Wearing a mask for 8 hours a day gets hot but as long as it’s keeping us all safe, that’s all that matters.