New Year, New future?

With this New Year coming it really makes me think, will things change? This is an interesting thing to think about, as we dive into the amount of negative things that took place this year. Leaving us all speechless to the question of,  “What will happen next?” Which I'm sure many of us have said many times this year.

This year has definitely been one crazy ride, where if you're not holding on you will not be able to survive in this deranged disaster of a year. Some of us were able to get through it, and some were unlucky which is a very unfortunate thing to accept and come to terms with. I think at this point, all of us just want to make it out of this in one piece. Plainly said, this year has not been an easy one for anyone. The New Year coming up is really what’s getting us through this tough time. The New Year brings new opportunities, changes and goals for everyone. It will bring us into a more positive direction. We can make the future of the new year, a better one by creating a positive outlook. 

But thinking if things will really change in the New Year, we all might not know exactly how to answer this. But think about it, will it be different? We all are praying for this year to be put to rest, because we all need a change and a new beginning due to what's happening in the world currently. It's interesting to think about what the next year brings, and what people's New Year resolutions will be. It's crazy to think that Coronavirus could possibly be gone or at least helped with the vaccines in the future. It's also interesting to predict what could get better, and if anything will change. We won't know the answer to this until 2021 actually comes. But to look into the future after the year we have all had, and to have a New Year to look forward to, seems to be a safe place for people. It's safe to say we differently could benefit from starting fresh in a New Year. 

When asking a student at Harborfields, Steven Cannavale, a senior, the question “Are you excited to start a New Year”, his answer was very intriguing to me because he had a perspective that we all could benefit from going into the New Year. He said “I am intrigued to see what this New Year brings. I truly thought 2020 was going to be ‘my year’ but clearly that didn’t happen. I'm going into this year with a positive outlook. Im hoping this year is a better one. My fingers and toes are crossed”. I'm sure lots of us can relate to that, and it's so important for us all to create and prosper off of a positive outlook going into the New Year. 

We all need to look back on this year, and think about what needs to be changed or improved for the New Year. We can do this by creating New Year’s resolutions, and challenging ourselves to look into the future knowing what we want to do for ourselves. 

We can create new goals about things we want to reach so we feel we have something to work towards. Something I notice, which I think a lot of us notice especially as students is that, kids are feeling lazy and unmotivated nowadays. Which is expected due to the fact that most of us are all online, making it so easy to fall behind and not able to focus fully for some people. But by creating these goals, we can set ourselves up for success and onto a better path, rather than getting stuck in a negative loop of how things are now. When instead we can be planning ahead, or at least put a positive light on this since this year has brung lots of negativity.

Many people have many different perspectives on this year, and of course different experiences with it. Some people think this year has been more hard than easy or vice versa. George Pryor, a senior at Harborfields, gave his perspective on this by saying, “ It's been easy, because senior year has been a blessing, with the amount of work we have received. Also because teachers have been lenient and the work environment has been positive.” I agree with this perspective, and think George has a great point on this being that our teachers have been way more lenient due to the circumstances this year upholds. 

Hannah Miller, a junior at Harborfields, had a bit of a different perspective on this, she said “In my opinion, I felt 2020 has been hard. Reason being is there have been so many challenges that I have faced and others. With the virus, school, and work it's been crazy.”

Does anyone have any goals/resolutions for the New Year?  I asked Hannah Miller and she stated, “Yes I do have goals for the New Year. One of my goals is to save my money better. Another goal I would want to have is a fresh start. Remove all the toxic friends and start worrying about mental health.” 

When thinking about the New Year it's a great thing, because we can create any resolution we want and when we follow through with it and accomplish our goals it's such a great feeling. The future is unknown, but it will definitely be different in some aspects compared to this year, or at least change in some ways since that's the inevitable. I think a lot of us are happy about that, considering the circumstances to say the least. Related to Hannah’s quote about her resolutions, I think many of them are so important relating to the fact that we need to do what’s going to make us most happy. Going into this New Year, the most important thing is to keep a positive outlook and attitude, because that will correlate to how this New Year, 2021, will start and end.

Graciela Carrero-Sagona