Will there be a Shutdown again after the Holidays?

When looking into how bad Covid-19 has become, it seems to be gradually getting worse everyday. Will Covid cases increase? This is something we won't know, until the holidays are over and the aftermath of not following the CDC guidelines kicks in.

Since almost everyone saw family during the winter recess, how bad it will get will be answered. Many people enjoyed the holidays, and went to their family’s house or stayed home. There is still a big chance that Coronavirus will spread somehow.

Families cut the amount of people in half, to lower the risk of spreading it. As upsetting as it may be, this is the safest thing for everyone to do, because at this point even with family you don’t know who could have it or who it’s spreading to. 

Many people did not want to follow the guidelines or social distance during this time, so would you? Gavin Sandal, a senior at Harborfields, gave his perspective on this by saying, “Probably not. But I know a lot of places I'm going are with family, so I'm in the same household and the guest’s are reduced. So we definitely have reduced the risk, while not completely following the guidelines.”

So Gavin is doing the right thing, by reducing the amount to lower the risk. At this point everyone’s at risk in some sort of way. When you're with anyone who has gone out, they could possibly be carrying the virus and spreading it to you or other’s. 

Grace Espesito, a junior at Harborfields gave a different perspective on this by saying, “I will be following the guidelines, I always have. I social distance, wear my mask, sanitize and leave my house when necessary. It’s important to do your part and to prevent the spread while yourself and others.”

So even with the vaccines starting to roll out, will we possibly get shut down because some people won't follow any precautions? Some will still have parties or gatherings with possibly huge amounts of people gathering. We're definitely at risk for this.

So, are we at risk with the government shutting us down? This is really possible, since they have to do what’s safest for us around the country . In an Washington Post Article, they stated a very good point being, “Democrats might feel more optimistic about coronavirus relief legislation in the new year, once Biden is inaugurated.” Biden feels very confident to fight for a nationwide shutdown after the holiday’s, which proves that it's a possibility of happening at this point.

There are many parts to this, but if you think about it, it does make sense to make everyone stay home for a period of time so that everyone stays safe before people go back to school, work, etc.

Evidently, this also depends on how many cases have come from the holiday’s which realistically could be a lot this year. It's crazy how the holiday season was celebrated so differently this year. But it's the safest way and option to avoid for cases increasing, and a possible shutdown.

Now the holidays are over, but due to the extensive traveling and lack of social distancing, we all have to be aware that a nationwide shutdown is still a possibility.

Graciela Carrero-Sagona