Down At The Sphere

The sun is setting over what seems like the most beautiful beach in the world. The sky is the most ethereal pink and purple. The water is a beautiful blue and so calm that there are barely any waves. Calm music fills the air, matching this theme so perfectly. Then, the drums begin to pick up louder and faster with the rest of the band following. The song changes completely and the next thing you know you are being launched into space in a rocket. You might be wondering, how this is possible? The answer is that anything is possible at The Sphere.

The Sphere is a new venue in Las Vegas, Nevada. It is located right next to the Venetian Resort. The MSG Company, who used to own The Sphere announced its construction back in 2018. It took five years and cost $3.59 billion dollars to construct. 

 The structure is a sphere shape, granting the name The Sphere. It is 366 feet tall and 516 feet wide, being the largest spherical structure, and holds about 18,600 seats. The venue is planned to be used for big concerts and shows.

But the structure isn’t the only cool thing The Sphere has to offer. The Sphere was built for an experience, which is why it has a  screen on the inside interior and a 580,000-square-foot LED screen on the outside. The LED screen is used to produce images and graphics that make The Sphere different from any other venue. “I’ve been in the entertainment business for almost 40 years. I’ve never seen anything like this, and I’m not exaggerating. It is off the charts.” Says Rich Claffey, Sphere’s chief operations officer.

The First time the LED screen was used was on The Fourth of July (click here to watch a video of it). The screen produced beautiful images of fireworks and more. 

The Sphere officially opened on September 29th, 2023 with the band U2 starting their residency there.  “Sphere never overshadows U2; Sphere magnifies U2,” says Katie Atkinson.

U2’s residency ends in February 2024. The band Phish will be playing next at the Sphere for four nights. The first night is April 18th and the last night is the 21st. 

The Sphere offers an amazing and unique experience to anyone who goes. Although future shows are unknown we can count on that many more amazing bands and artists will perform shows at The Sphere.

Kayla Biggica