A Nick and Netflix Partnership?
With the release of Disney+, it was obvious that Netflix would take a hit. One day after the highly anticipated streaming service came out, Netflix announced that it now has a partnership with the second most watched channel from our childhood: Nickelodeon. Some people had noticed that some Nick shows and movies were making there way to Netflix including Victorious, Big Time Movie, The Boy who Cried Werewolf, and more. It’s very exciting that a lot of childhood favorites will be added to the streaming service.
The partnership doesn’t only mean that more Nick shows and movies will be on Netflix, the collaboration will also result in a surplus of new original content! Companies like Disney and Netflix really know how to cater to nostalgic viewers in order to keep their audience, it’s very smart and it really works. I know for sure I will keep both Netflix and Disney+ because of my absolute love of their content.
Included in this original content is a new movie based off the ever so popular Spongebob series. Nick also mentioned that there will be new spin-offs to loved shows and maybe even some reboots. It’s all very exciting and I can not wait for more Nickelodeon TV shows to come onto Netflix, I’m especially excited for Big Time Rush, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and iCarly! Junior Melina Sandel says, “I’m very happy that there is now an alternative to using Amazon to watch Spongebob and that I get to relive my childhood by re-watching some of my favorite Nick shows.”