Impacts of Microtrends

Micro Trend clothes are clothes or clothing styles that are trending or popular for a few weeks but then go out of style, making it significantly harder for shoppers to purchase sustainable clothing.

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Carolyn Powers
Opening Our Eyes and Ears to the “Fine Print”

Politicians, scientists, and news outlets use loaded language, or "rhetoric used to influence an audience by using words and phrases with strong connotations" ("Loaded Language") in speeches and media to persuade the people to lean a certain way. Whether it be far left, far right, pro-vaccination, or pro-choice, with the increase in polarization and desire for politicians to win the voter tug of war, it is up to them to use language that is the most persuasive and blindly manipulative to encourage people to join their side. It is evident that the language manipulation has to be recognized in order to encourage Americans to listen more thoroughly and educate themselves. This situation is so drastic that, in the United States today, news outlets, media, scientists, and our politicians are actively using manipulation tactics including the changing of language and how stories are communicated in order to grab the attention of Americans and influence public policy. Unfortunately, these people are not the only body to blame. The American people's inability to open their eyes to the language manipulation in their news, and their inexperience with politics due to the faults of America's education system is causing the nation's sweeping polarization and blind following.

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Sofia Montelli
Work vs. Leisure

Starting at only five years old, Americans are trained to do well in school, work hard, and go to college with the end goal of getting a "stable career." However, these careers end up being the root of the problems people work so hard to avoid. The US government has established a system that ensures that anyone who wants to be successful must have a job and work hard. Yet, these jobs often don't provide them with the pay they deserve. This leads to Americans being overworked and stressed because of the pressure and workload of their jobs, without giving them a high enough salary or enough time for leisure activities and rest.

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Stella Fava
Digital Privacy On Social Media

Do you ever wonder how much data is compiled by social media applications or what information they divulge to other companies and the government? In today’s society, social media is utilized for more than just connecting with friends and family. It is a platform that can be used for the exchange and sharing of information. For the user, it is utilized to keep in touch with others, secure news, research and even purchase items. For the company, the goal is to gather data to improve their application and to generate income. However, the collection of sensitive data can lead to Americans feeling confused with how the information is obtained, uncomfortable with what is being shared and questioning their civil rights. Ultimately, the United States digital privacy laws will have to be addressed by the Supreme Court in the near future.

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Guest User
The Power of Makeup

Imagine using a technique which allows all your insecurities to flow out instantly. Many people have modified the use of makeup, where they are allowed to feel comfortable in their own skin. Makeup empowers people and raises self confidence levels. Many people prosper emotionally because of the connection between the person and this exquisite passion. Although there are a few negatives, there are many benefits to the art of makeup. Cosmetics rearrange the perception of life to the people who wear makeup, as well as the assumptions of the people who view the makeup. Men and women can finally come together and have their own unique form of self expression.

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Mushfiqa Huque
Relationships Vs Social Media

"The more social media we have, the more we think we are connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other”(Cyber bullying). Social media is used to help us but it tends to lead to negative effects. It has negatively impacted many relationships in America today. It’s usage has greatly increased in the past 4 years. According to Chandra Steele, “68% of people's relationships have been impacted by social media, 61% reported looking through their partner’s social media, and 53% of respondents chose facebook as their preferred social media platform” (Steele). It increases your communication among people but also disconnects you when it comes to the relationships you have in the real world. While all this happens, social media companies such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat aren’t doing anything about it. They see relationships being ruined everyday and they do not care. As a matter of fact, “Social media platforms are designed to snare your attention, keep you online, and have you repeatedly checking your screen for updates” (Calucchia). There are an unlimited number of examples such as this showing how social media can cause strains in relationships.

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Molly Whisler
How Diet Affects Attention

It is well known that we need nutrients in our body to remain healthy, and most, if not all, people get that from food. From eating too much or too little, does the amount of food we eat everyday affect not only our body, but our brain too? According to WebMD, “Benefit your brain: Strive for a well-balanced diet full of a wide variety of healthy foods.” Eating a well-balanced diet is important for several reasons.

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Brenna Dorsam
What Are You Willing to Sacrifice?

What motivates you to work? What makes you push through and throughout the challenges that come your way? What is your driving factor in being successful? Motivation is something a lot of people in America struggle to find when it comes to working. People think that everything they do will be fun and easy, but the truth is that you have to push through the tough situations to feel the gratification of completing it. Setting goals and creating personal rewards for finishing long, hard, or tedious tasks can be a great way to motivate yourself. Everyone has their way of balancing their work and leisure, but recently there has been a push to bring leisure to the work world and there have been very mixed opinions on this. America is working towards a happier work environment and looking to make people less stressed at work. But what does this mean in terms of pay or the benefits they will receive outside of work.

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Julia Panzavecchia
Stages of Development

Have you even thought about what makes you, you? What makes you different from your family? What makes you unique? In this paper you will realize what influence society has on your family and the way you develop.

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Lily Hubbs
The Dangers School Surveillance Systems Pose to Student’s Privacy

Do you ever feel like you're being watched? Devices like smart cameras and Bluetooth badges that can monitor, track, and record students are becoming increasingly popular in schools. Now, Covid-19 has many more schools opting to install these types of devices. However, many people are concerned about how all this data about students can be used and by who. With these devices surveilling students, Privacy in schools is starting to become a thing of the past.

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Michael Prince
Sources of Negative Effects on Voter Expression

America was founded as a representative democracy, not a direct one, but is that still the best way to run things? The founders of the nation knew that information was hard to come by at the time and citizens were mostly uninformed, they needed more educated people to make important decisions for them. However, with the emergence of the internet, Americans have more access to information than ever and therefore can make informed decisions in politics. While many news sources may be biased, Americans still have opinions that define how they conduct themselves and influence their political alignment. Individual opinions aren't the only things that determine how a person will vote, however, there are a lot of outside factors that many registered voters may not know about that influence them every day, from their beliefs to their votes. Many aspects of the current political climate and policy force Americans to express their opinions in one of two lanes of predetermined thought. They are mostly due to the intentional preservation of the two-party system, incumbents’ prioritization of self-interest, and the modern interpretation of the Constitution’s impact on political campaigns and finances.

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Mia Kushner
Culture's Impact on Societal Happiness

It is no surprise that the environment in which an individual lives lays the foundation for who they are and who they are going to become. With the increase in technology, individuals are constantly seeking validation from others. Adolescents in particular are still trying to find themselves, however their impulsive desires to participate in current trends inhibit this from happening. The culture of these current trends, social media, and family and work environments leave individuals eager to take part in the activities those around them are participating in. These extrinsic cultural elements are harming the way society experiences happiness by leading individuals to subconsciously fit into the molds of contemporary “norms,” therefore decreasing the overall happiness of society.

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Angeline Miraglia
Self-Perception And Its Societal Influences

Societal standards and peer expectations create a self-perception that is not an entirely accurate representation of ourselves. Individuals are constantly and subconsciously taking in information from a variety of sources, including family members, mentors, friends, spouses, and media outlets. All of these positions play a role in how we present ourselves and view our worth. Fears stop us from moving forward in our lives and expressing ourselves fully. Our self-perception is frequently changing as outside influences make us aware of certain perceived strengths and flaws. As a result, overall mental health suffers and struggles to remain intact while the brain is given the significant task of deciding which messages to stick with and which to recycle. The media uses this knowledge as a tactic to reach their goals and spread messages as far as possible. These are simply a few of countless ways our self-perception is influenced by the society we live in and the cycle of judgements that are made.

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Alyssa Kaplan
How News and Media Bias Impacts its Readers

These days, the glorified blog that we call the news, is impacting our thoughts in order to please the customer and those in power. The news is supposed to be a vital mechanism to spread important information about the country and the world to its people. The news is straying further and further from the truth with every passing year, keeping people reading from the same few news channels, which produce a slight variation of the same story with the same opinion. The result is the news channels forcing the citizens to think that they have their own opinions on the matter, but they just have the opinion that the news channels force fed to them.

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Caitlin Collins