Together on Thanksgiving

With the COVID-19 pandemic, life in 2020 is very different than ever before. One of the most popular holidays in the United States is rapidly approaching, Thanksgiving. People are coming up with creative solutions for how to be together with their family and friends, while also staying safe. How are people modifying their traditional Thanksgiving celebrations to accommodate the COVID-19 pandemic?

The CDC has offered many guidelines and procedures for how to celebrate as safely as possible. They say that gatherings with more safety precautions in place such as hand-washing, social distancing, and mask-wearing when not eating can reduce the risk of spread than gatherings without these precautions. The CDC also says that outdoor gatherings are better than indoor, and physical distancing is still important. Their webpage on holiday celebrations says someone should not attend a holiday celebration if that person, 

People are coming up with creative and safe alternatives to a traditional Thanksgiving meal. HF sophomore Allie E. said her family is going to have a food swap. “We will all make a dish and send it out, and we can all eat together over zoom.” This contactless approach to Thanksgiving dinner is safe, and still allows spending time with family and cooking for each other. 

No matter what precautions you take and modifications you make, Thanksgiving is still a great opportunity to be thankful for everything that we have and spend time with your family. Sophomore Julia M. said, “I know everyone has had a tough year, and I hope celebrating Thanksgiving can brighten everyone’s day, while still being mindful of COVID-19.” Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving HF!

Darien Schultz