Has Attack on Titan Season 4 been delayed?
For a show that took four years for the second season to come out, it’s not completely unreasonable that we would have to wait a bit for season four. With the end of season three, many people have been anxiously awaiting the next season which includes a four-year time skip, many new character designs, and a completely new location.
However, the global pandemic has put a halt in a lot of productions and it’s still unclear if this has affected the animated series. While the season four trailer was released in May there have been no new updates concerning its release which was originally scheduled for this October.
Season four does bring about a bunch of new ambitious prospects, including a new animation studio! While the animation for the past three seasons has become quite the iconic style I’m looking forward to see how the new studio compares. Based on what we’ve seen in the trailer I’m very excited.
Student Milena Albertson says, “I have very high hopes for the next season, not to mention the new animation studio for AOT is the same one who animated one of my other favorite shows!”
By now it’s likely that season four will be released in early 2021, but this has not been confirmed. While this is not the news I’m hoping for, I rather them take the time to make it amazing rather than rush through it.