Here’s a snapshot of what we do! If you’re interested in ANYTHING related to Journalism, Video Editing, Broadcasting, On-Air Talent and Performance, Media & Digital Arts… really ANY type of content creation, stop into the TNT studio or adjacent classroom and meet Mr. Ambrosio! Or, send an email:
Join Yearbook Club HERE:
Join the Livestream Team and Online Newspaper Clubs HERE:
Tornado News AV/Broadcasting Club
The Tornado News AV Studio Club specializes in video content creation, including live streaming and live-edit recording of events and special projects, and studio productions for posting to our website and for use on our morning show. With teams of 3-6 students we assemble road kits and set up mobile editing stations to open Harborfields windows to the world. We live-stream sporting events, concerts, plays, awards ceremonies graduations, and more. We also create promotional videos and news packages for the morning show and our news website. Learn AV tech, Adobe Premiere, Vimeo’s Livestream Studio and more! Come to a meeting or speak to Mr. Ambrosio about how YOU could create content to promote YOUR other clubs, teams, and activities.
HFPress Media Arts & Online Newspaper CLub
The members of our Online Newspaper Club contribute content to this website and actively create and manage these web pages through their web editor profiles on this Squarespace platform. Compose, draft, peer review and PUBLISH articles… create memes… review movies, shows, games, tech… report on sports… create podcasts! If you’ve seen it or heard it on the net, you can become a published content creator today!
Help to design and build this year’s “Harborlight” yearbook!
Yearbook CLub
Yearbook Club members create, well, the yearbook! Each year, a new team of copy writers, photographers, and layout editors assembles from scratch our entire 200 page, full color yearbook for the graduating class. You design the cover and interior theme, plan color palettes and font kits, and take/edit/place photos when you lay out the pages for this year’s book!