November 8th
Wednesday November 8, 2017
Good Morning HF today is an “A” day!
There will be a meeting for all students interested in trying out for the Boys Swim team on today at 2:30 in the senior lounge.
Attention all Playfest Writers:
If you have submitted a play for feedback and revision, please sign up for a meeting with Ms. Endress after school. Sign up slots are available on the Playfest Board outside T10. All final drafts of plays are due the Monday after Veteran’s Day: November 13th.
Are you constantly bombarded by school assignments, and have nowhere to study? Well, the harborfields Public Library has you covered [promo cue]
Attention Sophomores and Juniors:
Anyone interested in visiting Long Island High School for the Arts on Thursday, November 16th, please pick up a permission form in the Guidance Office. The deadline to submit the permission form is Monday, November 13th. Space is limited for this trip, so students will be selected first come first served.
The Academic Team meeting for today has been cancelled. Instead, there will be an Academic Team meeting on Tuesday, November 14 at 5:00 in room 204. Please note the change in time! We will be practicing for the December competition. Please see Mrs. Barattini or Mrs. Harmon with any questions.
Attention all 9th & 10th Grade Students: The Study Hall location may be changing on Thursday for 2nd Quarter. Check your schedules in Infinite Campus. Study Hall locations will also be posted outside the cafeteria, Guidance, the Principal’s Office and the Main Office.
Attention seniors! Senior Butler sign ups are happening outside of the cafeteria during lunch periods. Senior butlers are $10. You must be signed up by Monday in order to participate. Senior Butler sales will happen the week on 11/13.
There will be open gym for all those interested in JV and Varsity cheerleading today and tomorrow from 5:30-7:30pm in the South Gym.
Spanish Club meeting today after school in Ms. Mattio's room
There will be a DECA meeting tomorrow. We will meet in the gym to take the yearbook photo
The following clubs will have their yearbook pictures today in the north gym immediately after school:
Global Justice
Superhero Club
Environmental Club
Interact & TriFit
Harborfields Theater Company will be in the auditorium, of course!
And a Happy Birthday to Edward McGuire!
Have a Great Day HF!