Harborfields Safe Halloween

Everyone loves candy, right? Almost every child's favorite day of the year is the day that they are able to dress up as anything they want and knock on people’s doors to get free candy. Instead of one Halloween, how about two extreme nights of Halloween. Safe halloween will be back again on Wednesday, October 30th. This safe halloween will take place at the harborfields high school south parking lot, with a spooky walk indoors. If it rains, we will use our indoor contingency plan and provide instructions the day of the event.

If you’re in a club, and are interested in helping out the Interact Club (advised by Mrs. Ritter) then contact your club adviser so the club you are a part of can help keep the tradition alive and make more kids' pockets full this Halloween.


Participation Requirements:

  • Each group is responsible for collecting individually wrapped treats (candy, pretzels, prizes, etc.) to distribute to children (Interact will supply 1 copier box of candy for each club to supplement your supply)

  • Each group must have an advisor present for the entire event to supervise members.

  • Club members are encouraged to dress up in Halloween costumes or themes appropriate for school.

  • Your club will be responsible for decorating your table area, trunk, or tent, and cleaning up your area after the event.

  • Setup will begin at 3:30 PM, and cleanup is at 6:30 PM.

The Safe Halloween event at Harborfields High School has been going on for years now. We appreciate your support in keeping the long lasting tradition of Safe Halloween going!

Gianna Ballard