Robotics Competition

Come support our school during this years robotics competition! Hosted by FIRST, the First Relic Recovery competition will take place in just two months.

Due to the increase of members in the club this year, we now have the freshman, sophomore and upper classmen teams. On January 7th, our school will be competing with other schools from around the state in the first qualifier.

Located at Lynbrook High School, teams will fight for first place. Following this the second qualifier which is on the 14th, will place at Center Moriches High School. Here, teams get a second chance to win and there the official winners will be announced.

In both qualifiers the tasks that the robots perform are picking up foam boxes as well as stacking them, balancing themselves on boards, picking up “relics” and then placing them outside of the arena to altogether earn points.

To see more in-depth information on the competition visit FIRST's website. At the end of each match the team with the most points, wins, and advances until only one team stands. As many participants say,” It’s the hardest fun you’ll ever have.” Come support your grade during these two events!


Max Pelkonen