The Importance of Self Care


If you’re anything like me and make constant ‘to-do lists’, self care probably isn’t anywhere near the top of your list. But in the fast-paced nature of life, it really should be.

It is so important to take a step back and put yourself first once in awhile. Here are a few ways to begin your journey of self love.

The first thing is to take 15 minutes to yourself everyday. Make and take time to be alone, there is nothing selfish about this.

The next thing to be conscious of is sleep. Never underestimate the power of a good night sleep. Don’t be constantly pushing  yourself to exhaustion. Didn’t have time to finish an assignment? Put it away, go to sleep and finish it in the morning.

Another tip is surround yourself with people who make you feel good and lift you up. Take a look at your friends, and that is what you will become. If you are hanging around with negative people, you will likely feel down all the time and be a negative person yourself. If you don’t like your friends, make new ones. It is that simple. Surround yourself with good people who care about you. You deserve to be happy.

My last tip is to indulge. It is okay to reward yourself. Once a week do something just for you that you love. It can be something as simple as taking a bath, watching your favorite TV show, or buying/making your favorite food.

You deserve to reward yourself for simply being yourself. Sophomore, Gabby Gagliano, had an opinion on the matter of self care. She feels it is “very important to have down time and regroup. It’s important to have these moments to yourself in order to prevent burnout.”

You need to recognize that none of these tips are magic cures for the impending stress and anxiety we feel in our daily lives. Yet there is something assuring in knowing that studies show that increased self-care is one of the best things one can do for their health.

The only way that you can care for others is if you care about yourself first. Taking an hour or even a few minutes to yourself every day is the least you can do to take care of your mind, body, and spirit.


Vincent Ambrosio