Happy Heart Day
Is Valentine’s Day all about flowers, chocolates, and romantic dinner dates? Or is there some other significance associated with Valentine’s Day that should be more recognized? The answer is heart disease; not to make a day of love sound like a day of sadness, but this Valentine’s Day, Harborfields is looking to raise awareness for heart disease among women. We want to raise awareness, of course, with a positive vibe.
Staying healthy and keeping positive energy is an important push factor in our world today. Americans in the nation, especially women, find themselves falling victim to heart disease without even knowing in the first place. That is why Harborfields wants to make a difference.
“A lot of people don’t understand the concept that anything could happen to anyone, at any given time, without warning,” says senior Lauren Harker. “It is important that we help women in particular become aware of this disease, and inform ways to prevent it.”
On February 14th, the students in Leadership are promoting better health in the HF community. We have created posters advertising this “Happy Heart Day,” and are telling people to wear red.
In addition to advertising a healthy heart, we are also spreading the love of Valentine’s Day. At the Wall of Scholars, Leadership is selling humorous Valentine’s Day cards for you to have delivered to a friend. For one dollar, you get to sign a car for somebody, and you get and American Heart Association bracelet.
However, the students are offering HF a twist of fun on Valentine’s Day. Four students in Leadership will be dressing up as cupid; yes, tutus, pink tights, arrows, and all. They will be delivering the cards to assigned classes. You can sign up to have your card delivered either 1st, 7th, 8th, or 9th period. “I think it’s great to promote having a healthy heart. But it’s also pretty awesome to dress up as cupid while promoting a healthy heart,” replies Senior Thomas Bestlity.
In order to let all the students at Harborfields High School know about “Happy Heart Day,” gym classes will be jumping rope on Monday and Tuesday. Jumping rope is great for your heart, and its is obviously a fantastic way to burn calories and stay fit. “In TJL we would always jump rope and we would even raise money. I always loved doing that, so I am actually really excited to jump rope again in high school,” says Junior Katina Simpson.
Back to the real message of this article, the HFamily is being asked to “rise above” heart disease and make a change. Us as a younger generation needs to be inspired by performing healthy tasks for the rest of our lives. It seems like our duty to lower the amount of deaths caused by heart disease in the nation. We are not being asked to completely transform our lifestyle, but rather to stay alert about the healthy decisions we make daily. There is too much evidence that shows how a heart can fail from treating your body poorly.
Teacher Mr. Taylor relates, “I want to start taking a closer look at my health. I have thought about heart disease and I think it’s important that we all do.” “Happy Heart Day” gives HF this chance to think about staying healthy.
Whether you are part of the staff here at Harborfields High School, or a student, support the American Association and the message it is trying to relay. Wear red this Valentine’s Day, buy a friend a card, and get a bracelet in return.