Kicking Into Homecoming
The Harborfields Kickline has been working hard on their performances that will be debut this weekend at pep rally and homecoming. With their new coach, Mrs. Best, they are excited to show off their new routines. Starting mid-summer all of the girls have been rehearsing weekly in addition to band camp to prepare for their upcoming performances that are happening so soon in the year. The girls have also been working closely with the Harborfields Marching Band directed by Miss. Scilla for their upcoming halftime performance that will be debuted at homecoming . Weekly rehearsals have been held run not only by Mrs. Best, but also by pep rally choreographers, Alexa Pizzonia and Kara Casalino, and halftime choreographers, Brooke Winterlich and Lauren Brown. They have created excellent routines for their fellow peers and HF community members. “We enjoyed working with everyone and everyone worked so hard. We can’t wait for pep rally,” exclaimed Alexa and Kara. Make sure you come to pep rally and homecoming to see the Kickline perform this weekend.